Thursday, December 31, 2009

Flesh Wounds by Mick Cochrane

I really didn't think I would be able to sneak one more book in before the end of the year, but I was just able to make it. Flesh Wounds was a book I found while at the library and I am so glad I picked it up. I give it an A-.

Inside cover:
When the police come to arrest Hal Lamm, a Minneapolis salesman, for abusing his thirteen-year-old granddaughter, his entire family must come to terms with their secrets and unhealed wounds. Hal's wife, Phyllis, after decades of denial and emotional estrangement, finally confronts him. His daughter, Ellie, herself once abused by Hal, has sought to find strength by moving away, and now discovers it back in the midst of her family. Cal, the youngest son, is a lawyer whose instinct to defend Hal- until he becomes a father himself. Most poignantly of all, the granddaughter Becky, unconsoled by the parties and gifts her parents give her, and suspicious of the therapist she is now required to see, keeps her rage hidden- and nearly tears herself up.

Flesh Wounds was a touch family story, one that grips you and doesn't let go long after you close the book. As I mentioned, I saw the book next to one I was planning on picking up by Harlan Coben and I thought it was a new book. I was surprised when I realized it was written in 1997 and takes place in the early 90s. Even though it's over 10 years old, the story isn't affected and one that is a pleasure to read. The reader gets an inside view of many of the family members nd is taken through a year in the life of the family. We see the characters grow and change as they deal with the aftermath of abuse that has happened for decades. While it is a different type of book that I normally read, it was one I really enjoyed. I started it last night and finished it this afternoon and was just gripped throughout the entire story. I couldn't recommend it more to anyone. I am going to have to check and see if Mr. Cochrane wrote any other books.

Well, all of my Christmas decorations are done, the house is clean, and everything is put away. We had insulation added into our attic and also got that cleaned out this morning. I am still feeling a bit under the weather with a cold, but am looking forward to relaxing and perhaps reading a bit more before I perhaps go to my BIL and SIL's house tonight for a small get together. I ended up falling four books short of my reading goal this year, only reading 131. Next year, I am going to shoot for 135 books again but am not going to join any challenges. I am just not good with following up with them and like the flexibility of reading whatever I like whenever I like. I'm too competetive to just relax and hope to finish the challenges. Good luck to all of you in your challenges and wherever you are ringing in the New Year I hope you have a safe and happy one! Happy Reading!


Literary Feline said...

I'm glad you were able to fit another one in before the end of the year. :-) And a good one at that!

It sounds like you had a good reading year, even if you didn't quite reach your intended goal. 131 is a lot of books!

I hope you are feeling better soon, Kristie. Enjoy your New Year's celebration tonight.

Kristie said...

Thanks Wendy! It was very low key which I appreciated after the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I hope you enjoyed yours as well!

Staci said...

This one does sound good!! You seem to have the knack for finding these gems!!

Hope you had a great New Year's Eve and managed to stay warm!!