Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Was Told There'd Be Cake by Sloane Crosley

While I was looking up Chelsea Handler's book, Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea?, Amazon provided a link to me saying a lot of people buy this book as well. It sounded interesting, so I placed a hold on my library. It was a pleasant read, but nothing spectacular. I give it a B.

From Amazon:
Wry, hilarious, and profoundly genuine, this debut collection of literary essays is a celebration of fallibility and haplessness in all their glory. From despoiling an exhibit at the Natural History Museum to provoking the ire of her first boss to siccing the cops on her mysterious neighbor, Crosley can do no right despite the best of intentions-or perhaps because of them. Together, these essays create a startlingly funny and revealing portrait of a complex and utterly recognizable character that's aiming for the stars but hits the ceiling, and the inimitable city that has helped shape who she is. I Was Told There'd Be Cake introduces a strikingly original voice, chronicling the struggles and unexpected beauty of modern urban life.

Probably one of my favorite things about this book was the fact that the author is a couple of years older than me and when she wrote about her childhood, I could really relate to a lot of things. I absolutely loved her discussion on Oregon Trail, which she played on one of Apple's computers, which I also did at school. Oregon Trail was such a great game and made computer time so much fun! She also discussed one girl at her camp that had the perfect Caboodle with all of the cool stickers. I loved my Caboodle! So many of her childhood memories reflected mine and I really enjoyed going back and down Memory Lane. However, some of her stories were a bit confusing and I felt a little lost. That totally could have been me, though, because at times I was focusing on other things and not giving the book my total attention.

I have three more books to read from the library. I think I am going to read another John Saul book, as I have two of his checked out. This one is called Black Lightning and it seems to be a promising thriller. I have a busy week this week, what with work and getting settled for my new job and then getting ready to leave for New York on Thursday. However, I do hope to get a lot of good reading in! I hope everyone had a good weekend and Happy Reading!

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