Monday, November 22, 2010

100. Happiness Sold Separately by Lolly Winston

I picked up this book sheerly by accident. I was just browsing around at my library and I can't even remember what drew me to the book. Whatever it was I am glad that I gave it a try because it was a great book. I give it an A-.

From Amazon:
Elinor Mackey has lived her life in perfect order: college, law school, marriage, successful corporate career. But suddenly her world is falling apart. In her late 30s, she's discovered that she and her podiatrist husband, Ted, can't have children. When Elinor withdraws from Ted into an interior world of heartbreak and anger, Ted begins an affair with Gina, the nutritionist at their gym--a young woman with an oddball son who adores Ted. Meanwhile, Elinor falls in love with the oak tree in her front yard, spreading out her sleeping bag to sleep under the stars. Gina's jealous ex-boyfriend--a charming alcoholic with a mean streak--becomes a dark presence as his passion turns to violence. Ted, who may be the only one who can help Gina and her son, suddenly finds himself in love with two women at the same time. In the tradition of Anne Tyler, John Cheever, and Tom Perotta, Winston's second novel looks beyond the manicured surface of suburbia to a world of loss, longing, lust, and betrayal.

While you would think that some of the characters would be really difficult to like, that wasn't the case. Ms. Winston does an excellent job of allowing the reader to see and explore the inner workings off all of the characters and their motivation for their actions. This story also hit a spot close to home with, infertility, and it has allowed me to be happier and more comfortable with my decision there. This was an enjoyable read that allowed for some laughs. despite the tough subjects. It was a very quick read and will have me checking out more by Ms. Winston in the future.

1 comment:

stacybuckeye said...

I really liked this one too.

I've started Good Grief by Winston.