Monday, October 4, 2010

91. Mothers and Other Liars by Amy Bourrett

Mothers and Other Liars is another trade paperback I just wasn't willing to pay full price for. I just can't spend $14 for something that will take a day for me to read... it just doesn't make good sense to me! I ended up getting it from my favorite place- the library and enjoyed it. I give it a B.

From Amazon:
How far will a mother go to save her child?
Ten years ago, Ruby Leander was a drifting nineteen-year-old who made a split-second decision at an Oklahoma rest stop. Fast forward nine years: Ruby and her daughter Lark live in New Mexico. Lark is a precocious, animal loving imp, and Ruby has built a family for them with a wonderful community of friends and her boyfriend of three years. Life is good. Until the day Ruby reads a magazine article about parents searching for an infant kidnapped by car-jackers. Then Ruby faces a choice no mother should have to make. A choice that will change both her and Lark's lives forever.

I thought this was such a different premise and a very interesting one at that. Ruby, in a sense, grows up with Lark. One day while reading a magazine, she sees her whole life changing before her eyes. It's difficult to go into too much without giving it away so I will tread lightly. I liked Ruby but thought that she too was a bit selfish. I would never want to be in her position. I also thought the ending was a bit far fetching, but overall I enjoyed the book.

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