Friday, September 24, 2010

88. Still Missing

I first became aware of this books from numerous blog posts and placed a hold at my library. A lot of other people must have been reading those too, because I had to wait for quite awhile. It was worth the wait, I give Still Missing an A-.

From Amazon:
On the day she was abducted, Annie O’Sullivan, a 32-year-old realtor, had three goals—sell a house, forget about a recent argument with her mother, and be on time for dinner with her ever-patient boyfriend. The open house is slow, but when her last visitor pulls up in a van as she's about to leave, Annie thinks it just might be her lucky day after all.
Interwoven with the story of the year Annie spent as the captive of a psychopath in a remote mountain cabin, which unfolds through sessions with her psychiatrist, is a second narrative recounting events following her escape—her struggle to piece her shattered life back together and the ongoing police investigation into the identity of her captor.

This was one tough book to read. It wasn't that the descriptions were so horrible or graphic, but the author does an excellent job putting you, the reader, right there along with Annie. I loved the way that the author chose to write the book, though Annie's visitions with her psychiatrist, and taking us back to the past and then the present. Annie was difficult to like, but not sympathize with, and I was shocked by the ending. Not the who, but the what. I hope this author is quickly working on another great read!

1 comment:

stacybuckeye said...

This one is on my wish list. It looks so good!