Saturday, July 17, 2010

58. Murder of a Wedding Belle by Denise Swanson

I love Ms. Swanson's Scumble River series and have bene waiting quite awhile for her latest through my local library. I finally got it and started reading it on a scary flight home from Atlantic City. I finished it the next day and was pleased. I give it a B+.

From Amazon:
School psychologist Skye Denison reluctantly agrees to act as maid of honor in her California cousin's over-the-top platinum-style wedding- and is also expected to assist the control-freak wedding planner. But when Skye discovers the planner dead, just one week before the big event, Skye is suddenly working double-duty. While overseeing every nuptial detail, she's also helping the police find out who hated the bridal consultant enough to kill her. Can Skye get her cousin to the church on time-and save herself from a killer who may actually be on the guest list?

You get exactly what you expect from one of Ms. Swanson's novels, a little mystery and a catching up with friends. While not exactly page turning, the book was a fast read and I was happy to see the Simon/Skye/Wally triangle hopefully be put to rest. If you ask me, that is one of the most annoying things an author can do and drag out for far to long (Stephanie Plum books anyone!?!) I always feel safe and warm while I read on of Ms. Swanson's books and I'm glad I got to read this one. If you are looking for a new cozy series, I highly suggest this one.

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